mercredi, novembre 30, 2011

revue navale entente cordiale

 William Minshall Birchall   1884-1941.: was an American watercolorist  who chose to emigrate to England 
Painting chiefly in watercolors, Birchall created many fine portraits of deep water sailing vessels and was noted as well for his pictures of shipping in and around the Thames estuary and the English channel. He was known to have traveled as far south as Gibraltar seeking authentic background for his paintings.
Birchall's images were also reproduced in numerous naval textbooks of the period including volumes of "The King's Ships" and "Britannia's Bulwarks". Today paintings by William Minshall Birchall are well represented in museum collections as well as important private collections world-wide.
great naval review, Spithead, July 1912
 Most of the commemorative reviews have been held at Spithead, the anchorage outside of Portsmouth Harbour in the channel known as the Solent. However, reviews can take place elsewhere.

great naval review, Spithead, July 1912

great naval review, Spithead, July 1912

great naval review, Spithead, July 1912
la grande revue navale "entente cordiale" aquarelle datée 1912 de 30x52cm estimée 1000euros

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